Location: Hotel Marriott, Warszawa 15.06.2015
“State aid” also known as “public aid” granted by the State to entrepreneur in a manner contradicting the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (the ”TFUE”) has to be returned. This in turn can prompt further ramifications regarding the beneficiary itself, whose economic standing may be shaken, as well as other entities constituting the beneficiary’s business environment: its employees, customers, financing entities and others.
More importantly, in certain cases the beneficiary may not even realize the treat of being obliged to return the state aid. This can happen e.g. in case of European Commission having declared post factum certain measures of aid illegal (tax reliefs, subsidies and other forms of aid for specific industries or entrepreneurs).
Taking into account far-reaching consequences of declaring the granted state aid illegal, the ability to identify circumstances giving rise to such risk, the ability to prevent it and effectively participate in the proceedings carried out by the European Commission and the European courts, as well as to prove that the state aid was granted according to the European law, is of paramount importance.
The list of “state aid” or “public aid” measures, according to the art. 107(1) TFEU and the case law produced by the European Commission and the European courts, is not the limited one, thus it is subject to constant evolution as the European Commission initiates proceedings regarding yet unexplored situations. The recent developments in this respect demonstrate that the Commission can identify the state aid based on the combination of even unrelated measures, including tax measures, as well as declare on these grounds private law contracts null and void!
All-day-long conference will take off with introducing the guests to the basic requirements allowing the Commission to declare a particular measure as state aid according to the Article 107(1) TFEU. Afterwards, the conference will move on to cover specific provisions and their application in particular industries, as well as the issue of specific measures of state aid, such as tax aid. The Conference will be concluded with the discussion panel focused on the Polish perspective on the application of the state aid rules.
Those who wish to participate in the conference have a unique opportunity to discover the perspective of the European Commission and its representatives on the matters covered during its course, as well as of the most prominent scholars of the leading European universities and practitioners with significant experience in pleading before the European Commission in the respective proceedings.
Issues being the subject of the conference should be of interest particularly for:
Viktor Kreuschitz – Judge at the General Court of the European Union
Justyna Przekopiak – Director of the Local Taxes Department , Ministry of Finance
Prof Piet Jan Slot – Lecturer of European and commercial law at University of Leiden
Agnieszka Stobiecka –Kuik– Member of the Legal Service, European Commission
PhD Jose Luis Buendia Sierra – Partner, Garrigues Brussels
PhD Anna Jarosz – Friis – Head of the Unit, State Aid Unit, Task Force Financial Crisis, European Commission,
Petra Nemeckova – Legal service, European Commission
Katarzyna Herrmann – Member of the Legal Service, State aid team, European Commission
Jose Manuel Panero Rivas – Senior Associate, Garrigues, Bruksela
PhD Łukasz Grzejdziak – Faculty of Law, University of Łódź
PhD Piotr Pełka – Public Aid Monitoring Department, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (OCCP), Poland
Prof Anna Fornalczyk – Former OCCP President, Professor of Economics, Partner at Comper
Adam Ambrozik – Adviser to the Minister, the Department of Restructuring and State Aid – Ministry of Treasury
Mateusz Przygodzki – Head of Banking & Finance practice, Garrigues Warsaw
Michał Sobel – Executive Vice President, Kompania Węglowa S.A.
Zbigniew Stopa – Chairman Of The Board, Lubelski Węgiel BOGDANKA S.A.
Agnieszka Radzimowska – Chief Specialist in the Office of Regulatory, PGE SA
Details of the conference:
Aktualne Seminaria